Privacy Policy



INSULARCAR.COM, Nif 511042272, values the privacy of its members and therefore undertakes to respect it, guaranteeing the confidentiality and protection of the data registered by users.

This Privacy Statement is intended to guarantee users security and privacy conditions. Only the data necessary to provide the service will be requested and collected, in accordance with the explicit indications on the website. Users have complete freedom to access, rectify or delete their data.



Company: Insularcar Rent a Car Lda.

NIF: 511042272

Alvará nº 26-04/91

Email address of the data protection officer:


The Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter “LPDP”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, hereinafter “GDPR”) guarantee the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

In legal terms, “personal data” means any information of any nature and regardless of its medium, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, so it does not cover the data of legal persons. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you give your informed, express, free and unequivocal consent to the personal data provided through the website are included in a file under the responsibility of Insularcar Rent a Car Lda, whose processing under the LPDP and the RGPD respects the appropriate technical and organisational security measures, and maintains a database with the registration of its clients.

The data contained in this database is solely the data provided by you at the time of registration and is automatically collected and processed, under the terms approved by the National Data Protection Commission, by Insularcar, the entity responsible for the corresponding file.

Under no circumstances will information be requested about philosophical or political beliefs, party or trade union membership, religious faith, private life and racial or ethnic origin, as well as health and sex life data, including genetic data.

Under no circumstances will we carry out any of the following activities with personal data provided to us via this website:

Transfer to other persons or entities without the prior consent of the data subject;



The personal data we process through this page will only be used for the following purposes:

  • A) Order processing;
  • B) Communicating with clients and answering questions;
  • C) Processing requests for information;
  • D) Processing complaints;
  • E) Statistical analysis activities;
  • F) Checking, maintaining and developing statistical systems and analyses;
  • G) Direct marketing communications if you have consented to the processing of your personal data for this purpose.
  • H) Preventing and combating fraud;
  • I) Requesting feedback on products or services purchased;
  • J) Carrying out satisfaction surveys.

Insularcar Rent a Car Lda. guarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by its clients, collecting and processing data securely and preventing it from being lost or manipulated using the most advanced techniques. Please be aware that collection on an open network allows personal data to circulate unsecured, running the risk of it being seen and used by unauthorised third parties. There is a Contact Form on the site where users can ask questions. If users provide personal data through this Contact Form, it will not be used for any purpose other than that requested by the user.

The client consents to provide information about the contracted service in order to offer additional services to the contractor.

At the time of collecting personal data, unless otherwise stated, the user may voluntarily provide personal data without the lack of response implying a reduction in the quality or quantity of the corresponding services. However, failure to respond to the data, which is considered obligatory, means that you will not be able to access the service for which the data was requested.

If you do not agree to the above conditions, you will not be able to contract with Insularcar through the website.



In order to fulfil the purpose of this website, Insularcar Rent a Car Lda. will transfer your personal data to other entities, which will process it for the following purposes:

  • Payment management and processing activities;
  • Order processing;
  • Provision of contracted services:

1.1 Insurance organisations;

1.2 Third parties related to the provision of contracted services;

1.3 Payment management;

1.4 Order processing and shipping entities.



Data collected by may be transferred to and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storage or processing.

All information you provide to us is stored securely on our servers and/or our service provider’s servers, which may be located in countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.



You declare that we have implemented the technical and organisational security measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data provided to you in order to prevent their alteration, loss, processing and/or unauthorised access, taking into account the current state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. We guarantee the confidentiality of all data provided by you, both during registration and during the process of purchasing/ordering products or services. The collection and processing of data is carried out securely and prevents its loss or manipulation. All data is entered into a Secure Server (128-bit SSL) which encrypts it (turns it into code). You can check that your browser is secure if the padlock symbol appears or if the address starts with https instead of http.

Personal data is treated with the level of protection required by law, in order to guarantee its security and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of the technology, the user being aware and accepting that Internet security measures are impregnable.

By accessing any personal data, Insularcar Rent a Car Lda. undertakes to:

  • To store them by means of legally required security measures of a technical and organisational nature to guarantee their security, thus preventing alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, in accordance with the state of the art at any given time, the nature of the data and the possible risks to which they are exposed;
  • Uses the data exclusively for previously defined purposes;
  • It certifies that the data is processed only by workers whose intervention is necessary for the provision of the service and are subject to the obligation of secrecy and confidentiality. In the event that information is disclosed to third parties, they must be obliged to maintain appropriate confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of this document.



One of the purposes for which we process the personal data provided by users is to send electronic communications with information on commercial and promotional communications.

Whenever we make such a communication, it will be directed exclusively at users who have expressed and previously authorised it.

In accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 7/2004 of 7 January, if you wish to stop receiving commercial communications, you can request to object to the service by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:



In accordance with the provisions of the LDPD and the GDPR, the user may, at any time, exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability by e-mail request:

If you wish to leave our database at any time, you can exercise this right by contacting us.


This Cookie Policy is part of the Privacy Policy of our website,, by accessing and browsing and using its services, you agree to the terms and conditions contained in the Privacy Policy.

To facilitate and provide a better browsing experience through its website, such as: reports that use cookies or other files of similar functionality (hereinafter the “cookies”).

Due to the way communication patterns are realised on the Internet, access to websites may involve the use of cookies. In any case, we inform you that we are responsible for the cookies and for the processing of the data obtained from our own and third-party cookies, deciding on the purpose, content and use of the processing of the information collected.



Cookies are files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to the user’s device when you visit a web page. The main objective is to recognise the user every time they access the site, and also to improve the quality and provide better use of the site in order to simplify its navigation.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, they do not damage the equipment/user of the device and, if enabled in the configuration of your browser, they help to identify and resolve errors in the functioning of the site.



By accessing the website, the user expressly accepts the use of this type of cookie on their device. If you disable cookies, your browsing on the site may not be optimised and some of the features available on the site may not work properly.

Specifically, those used by us for the purposes indicated below. If, in the future, we use others to provide more and better services, you will be informed of this.



These cookies allow websites to remember information that changes the behaviour and appearance of the site. These cookies can also help to change the text size, font and other customisable parts of web pages. The loss of information stored in a preference cookie can make the website experience less functional, but should not prevent it from working.



Security cookies are used to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of login credentials and protect unauthorised data. For example, it allows you to block many types of attack, such as attempts to steal the content of forms that fill out web pages.



The cookie process helps the website to function and deliver the services the visitor expects, such as browsing web pages or accessing secure areas of the site. Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly.



Websites generally collect information on how users interact with a specific web page. This can include which pages users visit most often and whether users receive error messages from certain pages. So-called session-state cookies help companies improve their services in order to enhance their users’ browsing experience. Blocking or deleting these cookies does not make the site unusable.



These cookies help website and application owners to understand their visitors’ involvement with their web pages. You can use a set of cookies to collect information and report statistics on the use of websites without personally identifying individual visitors.



These cookies (for example, platforms such as Google or Facebook) help the owner of the website and/or applications to capture “Leads” to attract new customers/users of the website. The data collected is anonymous and cannot identify the user. They are used to limit the number of times an advert is shown and to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.


These social cookies are designed to allow users to share pages and content via third-party social networks. They also make it possible to target advertising on social networks.

We partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioural metrics, heat maps and session playback to improve and market our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first-party and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activities. In addition, we use this information for site optimisation, fraud/security purposes and advertising. For more information on how Microsoft collects and uses your data, please visit the Microsoft Privacy Statement.

Our site also uses plugins or social buttons.

Social plugins make it easier to share pages and content on our site on the various social platforms. For example, it allows users to share information from our site with their friends on social networks.

To do this, plugins use cookies to track users’ browsing habits, whether they use these platforms or not, and to check whether they are connected to the social network while browsing. These cookies also allow you to target advertising offers on these platforms.

For more information on the use of personal data in relation to social networks, you can find the privacy policies of the third-party social networks in question.

All cookies are only kept for as long as is strictly necessary for their use.


If you leave a comment on our website, you can choose to save your name, e-mail address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience, so you don’t have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for a year.

If you have an account and log in to this site, we will set a temporary cookie to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set various cookies to save your login information and your screen display options. Login cookies last for two days and screen options cookies last for one year. If you select “Remember me”, your login will persist for a fortnight. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include personal data and simply indicates the ID of the post you have just edited. It expires after one day.



In accordance with current legislation, we provide information that allows the user to configure their browser to manage and maintain their privacy and security with regard to Cookies. Therefore, we provide information and links to official support sites for the main browsers so that the user can decide whether or not to accept the use of Cookies.

Cookie settings can be changed in your browser preferences by following the instructions provided in the links:
Internet Explorer

For more information on cookies, including cookies to know that they have been installed and how they can be managed and disposed of, the user can access If you do not want your website visits to be detected by Google Analytics, you should go to

It is understood that the user accepts the use of cookies if they continue browsing this page without first deactivating them.


Last updated: 15 March 2024

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